Brand Tracking Agency

Brand tracking will help you understand your brand’s performance and health, providing the knowledge and guidance you need to maximise your brand’s strength, and grow its market share and profitability.


Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research

What is Brand Tracking?

Brand tracking is a piece of ongoing, survey-based, brand market research that evaluates the health of your brand versus the competition. Our agency does this by first benchmarking, and then monitoring the individual criteria that define the nature of the relationship between the target audience and your brand.

Learn more in our complete guide to Brand Tracking Research in our Blog

The Benefits of Brand Tracking

Some of the primary benefits of working with a  Brand Tracking Agency.

Monitor strength

of your brand’s equity across measures like brand awareness, brand perception and associations, purchase patterns, brand loyalty, and future consideration.

Make direct comparison

between the performance of your own brand and those of your competitors

Identify and understand

key customer differences within and across international markets

Monitor brand metrics

across your customer segments so that you can take incisive action, when necessary

Identify high ROI activities

and the ones with low ROI - so you can make highly targeted adjustments to the marketing plan

Generate greater profits

and enable greater acquisition, retention & greater ROI on your marketing efforts

Working With A Brand Tracking Agency

What Does a Brand Tracking Agency Do?

Your brand is unique, so your tracker should be too.

That’s why, as your brand tracking agency, we’ll start by making sure we understand your brand inside out. Only then, do we design your bespoke brand tracker – everything is unique to you and your brand; the questions we ask, the audiences we target, the frequency of the fieldwork, right through to the analysis and reporting.

When Should You Use Brand Tracking?

Beyond regular brand health monitoring, brand tracking can be used by any organisation that wishes to improve the strength and performance of its brand, by identifying the areas in which it is and isn’t performing as well as it should.

B2B vs B2C Brand Tracking Services

Brand Tracking, Brand development and Brand building are not only for B2C companies. A strong brand can provide the same kind of competitive advantage for B2B as it can for B2C businesses. With the main differences being cost and sample availability. 

B2C Brand Tracking
B2C research audiences are relatively easy to find, and the variable cost connected to conducting surveys is relatively inexpensive. This means we can easily achieve large and robust sample sizes.

Developing The Right Brand Tracker For You

Common Questions we get asked about Brand Trackers

Start with the end in mind.

Take the time to think through and capture what you’re trying to achieve, and how the insights you obtain will feed back into your business.

A good brand tracker should be developed with you and for you.

A key part of that development lies in defining the metrics and measures that matter. Brand funnel metrics (e.g. awareness, perceptions, associations, consideration, and purchase) always spring readily to mind, but if you have a brand model that focuses on other facets, then the tracker needs to reflect those too.

A good tracker will measure your brand’s performance within the context with your competitive set.

The key is to include the right competitors from the start.

Your main competitors should obviously be included, but it’s also worth spending time thinking about a secondary set; e.g. new players in the market that are making a big splash, or outliers you want to keep an eye on.

This way you can monitor how your sector may be changing shape over time, and be ready to respond.

Identifying the frequency sweet spot is key.

Brand tracking needs to be repeated often enough to identify significant market shifts while you can still make use of the insights, but not so often that you’re tracking micro-movements that become another round of ‘so-whats?’.

When determining tracker-frequency, start by considering the dynamics of your sector. In FMCG a monthly tracker may be just right, but in low purchase-frequency categories a quarterly or 6-monthly cadence might be more appropriate.

It’s relatively common to weave in a communications section so that advertising and marketing comms performance and impact can be measured, from cut-through and take-out, to impact on audience attitudes and behaviours.  

But it all adds to survey length (one of the variable costs in brand tracking fees), and also requires more involvement from you and from your research agency.

In short, it’s going to cost you more money! If you have a comms programme with significant investment, we’d definitely recommend a comms section, but if your comms are sporadic, low spend, or niche, then save your money.

It’s imperative that everything about your brand tracker remains stable over time so that you have full confidence that any changes seen in the data are a reflection of activity in the market. Adding in, removing, or even moving questions around can have a destabilising effect on the wave-on-wave data so it’s best practice that they’re left alone. 

But sometimes things might happen that you need to explore – for example, the launch of a new product or service by a key competitor. By including a ‘flexi-section’ in your tracker you can explore these kinds of topical events. In essence, a ‘flexi-section’ is an allocated blank space – usually at the end of the survey – where additional questions can be added in and taken out as required. This retains the stability of the core tracker whilst offering enough flexibility to respond to unplanned events.

The pattern of reporting is typically sequential.

From close of fieldwork through to analysis and reporting usually takes 6-8 weeks.

Clearly, if you’re running a monthly tracker, then this delay can have real implications on your ability to respond and react to shifts in your brand’s performance.

But there are other options. Consider development of an ‘always on’ digital dashboard, designed to pull in data and display key metrics as soon as the data comes in.

This is a much more agile output, giving you the information you need at the right time.

For less frequent tracking waves the turnaround time from fieldwork to reporting may not be as crucial.

Irrespective of cadence, reporting is usually face-to-face (online or in person) in a presentation format that includes data charts, tables, and a narrative. The key attributes of a good ‘debrief’ include:

  • A narrative arc that tells you the story of your brand’s performance in the marketplace
  • A focus on what this means for your business activities whether; marketing, comms, pricing, distribution, product mix, etc.
  • Actionable insights and guidance

Other reporting tools and techniques can range from a regular ‘dashboard’ update showing key metrics in an infographic style output, through to a strategic annual deep-dive convened in a workshop style setting.

Consider, upfront, who your internal and external audiences are, what input they should have during tracker set-up, and what they will need in terms of ongoing reporting.

Internal audiences may include marketing, brand teams and sales teams, operations managers and the board.

External audiences are not so obvious but can include media buying agencies, advertising agencies, investors, and the press/media if you’re custodians of a household brand.

How much brand tracking should cost is unique to your needs, and how much you’re willing to pay is an equally important consideration. This will have an effect on the frequency of your brand tracking, what metrics you are able to measure, and the length of your brand tracking survey. At Brandspeak we help our clients develop the right brand tracker for their needs, and to improve the strength of their brand within budget.

Avoiding the Pitfalls

Too many cooks

Whilst it is important to involve internal audiences, you also need to set boundaries.  What starts out as a pristine, hyper-focused tracking study on commission can quickly become messy, cumbersome and ‘not fit for purpose’, if too many different parties are involved.

One last thing..

Make sure you trust your agency.

Brand tracking is probably one of the biggest ongoing research investments you’re going to make and you’ll be developing a long-term relationship with them.

So get to know them, find out about their credentials, talk them through your brand goals, share your fears and ambitions with them. And in those conversations, ask yourself ‘do I trust them as my brand tracking agency?’

If the answer is ‘no’ or even ‘not sure’ then continue the search – your agency should be on your side to offer guidance and support throughout the journey.

It’s important you find the right brand tracking agency!

Get in Touch

Brandspeak are specialists in Brand Tracking, Customer Segmentation, and Usage & Attitude surveys. For more information about our services please get in touch or call: +44 (0) 203 858 0052

Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research

Your Challenge

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What ever your market research goal, whether you need to develop your brand, bring a new product to market or or optimise your customer experience delivery – we can help.


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Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
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Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research
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Brand Tracking Agency Brand Speak Market Research

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