The Role of Brand Tracking in Crisis Management: Protecting Brand Reputation

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In the digital space, where information spreads like wildfire, a brand’s reputation becomes highly vulnerable to crises. A negative review by a customer can go viral, and even ads can get misinterpreted,  destroying years of trust and creating a PR crisis. This is where brand tracking comes into play and contributes much to crisis management. It helps a company keep its finger on the pulse of brand perception, catches early warning signals of trouble, and acts quickly to prevent possible crises from getting worse.

This blog explores how ongoing brand tracking can protect brand reputation through the detection and mitigation of emerging crises before they spiral out of control.

What is Brand Tracking?

Brand tracking encompasses the methodological procedures behind the process of continuous monitoring and measurement of brand perception within its target audience.

It is a technique that combines data from surveys, social media, customer feedback, questionnaires, and media coverage to measure fluctuations in brand sentiment and awareness. Brand tracking aims to give a crystal clear picture of the performance of the brand through the consumers’ eyes and allows shifts in public perception (which could signal a problem) to be detected.

Brand Reputation Matters

Before going into the details of how brand tracking will support crisis management, let’s outline why brand reputation matters. Perhaps the most prized asset of a brand is its reputation,  because reputation influences consumer trust, purchasing decisions, and finally, loyalty over the long term. A good reputation typically leads to higher levels of customer retention, word-of-mouth recommendation, and brand resilience when a marketplace or economy is hit by adverse conditions.

On the other hand, a negative reputation can kill sales, destroy shareholder value, and sometimes even lead to legal or regulatory repercussions. With news and opinions now capable of spreading so rapidly thanks to social media, managing and protecting brand reputation is more challenging than ever.

Branding Tracking during Crisis Management

Ongoing brand tracking helps companies identify and understand the information that can be used to anticipate and manage any potential PR crisis. 

There are various ways in which brand tracking can do this, including:

1. Early Detection of Negative Sentiment

The greatest advantage of brand tracking is perhaps that of being able to detect a change in sentiment before it has actually become a full-fledged crisis. 

Businesses can use real-time feedback from social media, review platforms, and online forums to identify negative trends early. For example, the sudden rise in negative comments on a brand’s Twitter feed or serious criticism of reviews on a product page serves as a warning that something is amiss. These early signals enable the firm to deal with the issue quickly before it gathers momentum and explodes into the wider public domain.

2. Knowing the Root of the Crisis

Of course, not all negative feedback means that there is an imminent threat to a brand’s reputation. However, some issues have the potential of blowing out of proportion if left unattended. Brand tracking tools enable a business to identify the root cause of a problem through analysis of patterns in the data. 

For instance, if a brand only receives quality complaints from a particular region or demographic audience, a brand tracker can be configured to identify this, meaning that a solution can be formulated to directly target the source of dissatisfaction, thereby minimising the possibility of worsening the situation.

3. Real-time Response and Crisis Containment

Speed is of the essence in crisis management. The faster the brand can move when a negative situation arises, the better it will be able to contain the damage. 

Real-time brand tracking can be configured to enable companies to identify and respond to defamatory sentiment and misinformation with speed. For example, in the event that a defamatory rumour starts to make its rounds online, in a matter of minutes, a brand tracker which incorporates social media listening can alert the company to the issue. This will then enable the brand to take immediate action to clarify the situation or issue an apology, or correct false information with regard to the nature of the crisis.

4. Measuring the Effectiveness of Crisis Response

Having taken action to resolve the crisis, the brand’s ability to measure the effectiveness of its response is paramount. Brand tracking data reveals how public perception evolves in a post-crisis world. 

Monitoring changes in sentiment, brand mentions, and customer feedback may reveal whether taken actions were successful in restoring trust, or if further intervention is needed. 

With continuous tracking, the brand can be proactive in making necessary adjustments to its strategy in the journey of restoring customer confidence in it.

5. Long-term Brand Resilience

Brand tracking aids not only in controlling a crisis but also in building resilience in the long run. With periodic assessment of relevant brand perceptions, a business can identify weaknesses or points of vulnerability that wouldn’t necessarily become evident through the daily grind of operations. 

In this way, a brand can take pre-emptive steps to avoid certain crises that could have come their way. Also, brands that understand the concerns of the customers and show receptiveness in the form of feedback are more likely to establish strong and continuing relationships with their audience.

How to Effectively Implement Brand Tracking

To maximise the benefits of brand tracking for crisis management, there are some key measures that can be taken:

  • Combining automated and manual tools: Automated social listening tools should be used in combination with more manual methodologies, such as customer surveys, to deliver a full view of brand sentiment.
  • Benchmarking: Continuously benchmarking and comparing levels of brand sentiment, share of voice, and customer satisfaction.
  • Channels: Tracking brand perception across different channels so that the brand is  being monitored across social media, review sites, news outlets, and direct customer feedback.
  • Acting fast: A problem, once identified, requires rapid and clear responses to hold the fire from spreading.


When brands are under constant public scrutiny, maintaining a good reputation appears to get tougher day by day. Ongoing brand tracking forms the backbone of crisis management as it can help companies identify issues well in advance, react fast, and understand the effectiveness of the remedial actions they have put in place.



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